The electricity meter indicates the electricity consumption within the apartment in kWh. There are three types of meters: mechanical, electronic or Linky, which has become the most common in France.
Mechanical meter:
It either has the basic option (one dial only), or the off-peak hours option (two dials).
Basic option
You simply need to check the numbers on the dark background.
Off-peak hours option
You have to check the numbers of both dials on the dark background. The upper dial indicates the off-peak consumption (HC: heures creuses) and the bottom one indicates the peak hours consumption (HP: heures pleines).
Electronical meter:
You simply have to push the "S" button to read the meter.
Linky Meter:
Basic option
You simply press the "-" button once to find the electric consumption.
Off-peak hours option
Press the "-" button once to process through the electric consumption information. You have to check the numbers for both peak and off-peak hours. The off-peak electric consumption will be found under "HEURES CREUSES", and peak-hours consumption will be indicated under "HEURES PLEINES".