If you notice that water is flowing continuously into the bowl, it is possible to repair this problem without needing to ask for a plumber.
Steps to follow :
- Unscrew the flush cap. It will normally be located on the toilet water tank.
- Remove the tank cover to check the flush mechanism.
- Make sure that the flush mechanism is well screwed in place (it looks like a plastic rod).
- Check that the same mechanism falls completely when you flush (you will need to make sure that the mechanism does not remain suspended, otherwise the water does not stop flowing).
- Replace the tank lid and screw on the cap that allows to flush the toilets.
- Flush the toilet to check that it is working properly.
- Wait until you no longer hear the water flowing in the tank.
If the water no longer flows into the bowl, you have successfully repaired the problem. However, if the water continues to flow, please contact customer service.
If you are worried about consuming too much water, you can turn off the toilet water inlet, using the valve next to the toilet.